Chaplaincy and religious support
Ngā Pou O Ngā Hāhi
Available to all students from any background.
You have some big questions on your mind from time to time and may want to talk through some important decisions options, or perhaps you are looking for some peace and stillness in the midst of life’s busy routine and challenges.
Maybe you’d like to connect with a faith community or someone with similar values. Whatever you need, our caring and compassionate team of Chaplains are here for you.
Our chaplains come from a variety of cultures, backgrounds, and churches. They are trained in pastoral care and a range of other disciplines and have all been tertiary students.
You don’t have to be Christian to see one of our Chaplains, we welcome conversations with everyone, no matter what your faith.
Chaplain Locations
Ōtara campus
Thursday | 8.30 - 4 pm | Student Life Office, NA121
Thursday mornings | Student Cafeteria, NP Block
Manukau campus
Tuesday and Wednesday 11 - 2 pm | Level 1, Outside Lecture Theatre 110
Every first and third Thursday of the month 11 am - 2.30 pm | Level 1, Outside Lecture Theatre 110
Fridays 11 am - 2:30 pm | Level 1, Outside Lecture Theatre 110
Prayer room Locations
Ōtara campus
Monday - Friday | 11.30 - 2 pm | Female Muslim Prayer room, NT217
Monday - Friday | 11.30 - 2 pm | Male Muslim Prayer room, NT216
Monday - Friday | campus hours | Faith space, NO101
Email: thechaplains@manukau.ac.nz
Phone: (09) 968 8627 or (027) 266 4569