About MIT
Who we are
On 1 April 2020 all institutes of technology and polytechnics across Aotearoa merged to become one institution – Te Pūkenga Aotearoa. This change reflects the focus on collaboration across institutes to ensure the best outcome for our learners and will help us serve our communities better.
Te Pūkenga brings together on-the-job, on campus, and online vocational education and training through a unified, sustainable network of regionally accessible provision. We provide excellent and quality education opportunities that support ākonga (students), employers and communities gain the skills, knowledge, and capabilities Aotearoa needs now and for the future. Ākonga and their whanau are at the centre of all we do. Read more about the Te Pūkenga network here and our transition pathway to Te Pūkenga here.
Here at MIT | Te Pūkenga we have been transforming the lives of our ākonga (students), their whānau (families) and communities since 1970. In 2020 we celebrated our Golden Jubilee - fifty years of excellence in serving the mātauranga (education) and vocational needs of tens of thousands of ākonga. Learn more and check out some great snapshots from our history here.
We are Aotearoa’s first purpose-built polytechnic and we are dedicated to South Auckland with a focus on Māori, Pasifika, and those under 25. We are proud to serve our community and be part of the hopes and aspirations of our ākonga. Our campuses are located in the heart of industry for the skills, networks and contacts our learners need.
MIT | Te Pūkenga is guided by our whakatauākī (proverb)
“E kore e taea te whenu kotahi ki te raranga i te whāriki kia mōhio ai tātou ki ā tātou.
Mā te mahi tahi ō ngā whenu, mā te mahi tahi ō ngā kairaranga, ka oti tenei whāriki.
I te otinga me titiro tātou ki ngā mea pai ka puta mai. Ā tana wā, me titiro hoki ki ngā
raranga i makere nā te mea, he kōrero anō kei reira. nā Kūkupa Tirikatene.”
“The tapestry of understanding cannot be woven by one strand alone. Only by the working together of strands and the working together of weavers will such a tapestry be completed. When it is completed, let us look at the good that comes from it. And also in time, let us look at those dropped stitches because they also convey a message.”
Values at MIT | Te Pūkenga
The values of Te Whare Takiura o Manukau (MIT) are at the core of who we are and everything we do. Helping ākonga succeed and supporting people to become the best they can be is what we are Excellent at. Our mahi (work) positively impacts our ākonga and communities - we call this Manaakitanga. Our kaimahi (employees) are well Connected and respected in their industries. We hire Real people who are genuine and demonstrate our values in everything they do.
Values at Te Pūkenga
Alongside the MIT values, we also work with the Te Pūkenga values at the heart of all we do.
Manawa nui - describes a person or group’s behaviours that embody manaakitanga, humility, patience, respect, tolerance and compassion.
Manawa roa - describes a person or group’s behaviours that embody staying power, resilience, fortitude, grit and doing what needs to be done to achieve the collective goal.
Manawa ora - describes a person or group’s behaviours that embody breathing life into all aspects of another life form.
We are diverse
We truly believe that different perspectives deliver more holistic results. With equal employment opportunities principles embedded in the way we do things at MIT | Te Pūkenga, we have a strong focus on fully supporting, celebrating and reflecting the diversity and uniqueness that our kaimahi and ākonga bring. It's an essential ingredient for improving the educational outcomes of the communities we serve. We aspire to have an inclusive culture where everyone can be who they truly are and belong. We celebrate diversity and raise awareness by hosting various events throughout the year - Matarirki; Te Reo Māori, Tuvalu, and other Pasifika language weeks. We also have kaimahi networking groups for Māori and Pasifika kaimahi which are responsible for establishing individual objectives and working together to achieve them. Joining our MIT | Te Pūkenga whanau means you are celebrated and accepted as who you are.
Check out our National Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy which demonstrates how we live up to this kaupapa every day. The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework to ensure all Te Pūkenga kaimahi and prospective kaimahi have equitable opportunities in all matters pertaining to their employment and are empowered to develop their full potential, while being celebrated for the unique background and characteristics they bring to Te Pūkenga.
MIT | Te Pūkenga has a dedicated Māori and Pasifika Talent Strategy developed with the purpose to encourage greater applications of Māori and Pasifika candidates. You can see what our goals and achievements are with this strategy here.
Making a difference
Our goal is to get people into great jobs with the support of iwi, our communities, schools, employers and organisations. Our programmes are designed to meet the aspirations and provide the skills and knowledge, that learners need and employers seek. Initiatives that MIT | Te Pūkenga have taken include partnerships that enrich the lives of our learners and the wider community.