Mikaere Berryman-Kamp

Staff profile

Mikaere Berryman-Kamp

Health Workforce Hauora Navigator

Contact details

Phone: 09 976 0639

Email: mikaere.berryman-kamp@manukau.ac.nz


Mauri ora ki a tātou katoa; nō Te Puku o Te Ika a Māui Tikitiki a Taranga ahau, ko Mikaere tōku ingoa.

I am the new Te Ara Oranga Health Workforce Hauora Navigator, with a passion for supporting our people through their studies and into meaningful mahi. Taonga pūoro (traditional Māori musical instruments) are a particular love of mine, especially their use in a wider health context, both traditionally and currently. I’m excited to get started in this space, share what I know and learn a lot along the way.

Look for the tall guy wearing a taonga or two, and you’ll be sure to find me!