Dr Shamzin Yazdanian

Academic Quality and Research Leader, Senior Lecturer


Academic Quality and Research Leader

Senior Lecturer

Teaching area

Mechanical engineering


Before joining MIT, Shamzin worked as a mechanical design engineer in New Zealand's marine industry, where he was involved in designing world-class spars for racing yachts and superyachts.

He consistently strives to incorporate his industrial experience into his teaching, guiding students how to apply engineering principles in real-world context to better prepare them for the workforce.

Currently, he collaborates with industry partners to provide students with research projects that bridge academic learning with practical applications.


  • PhD - AUT, 2012
  • Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Research and publications

  • Manufacturing Processes Optimizations
  • Renewable Energies

Refereed Journal Papers

  • S. Yazdanian, S. Ales, Z.W. Chen, “Effects of pin size and of using an interlayer on interface bonding and fatigue strength of AA2024 to Ti6Al4V lap joints made using friction stir welding”, Welding in the World, 2024, 68, 2217–2233
  • N.M. Nasab, S. Yazdanian, “The advantages of lead‐acid battery for off‐grid design”, Energy Storage, 2024, 6 (2), e595
  • S. Ales, S. Yazdanian, T. Pasang, Z.W. Chen, “Fatigue strength of friction stir lap welded AA2024 to Ti6Al4V dissimilar joints”. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 138, 106309
  • Z.W. Chen, S. Yazdanian, “Microstructures in interface region and mechanical behaviours of friction stir lap Al6060 to Ti-6Al-4V welds”.  Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015, 634, 37-45
  • Z.W. Chen, S. Yazdanian, “Friction stir lap welding of light alloys”.  International Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources, 2014, 20 (2), 186-190
  • S. Yazdanian, Z.W. Chen, G. Littlefair, “Effects of tool positioning on joint interface microstructure and fracture strength of friction stir lap Al-to-Steel welds”.  Journal of Materials Science, 2013, 48 (6), 2624-2634
  • S. Yazdanian, Z.W. Chen, G. Littlefair, “Effects of friction stir lap welding parameters on weld features on advancing side and fracture strength of Al6060-T5 welds”.  Journal of Materials Science, 2012, 47 (3), 1251-1261
  • Z.W. Chen, S. Yazdanian, “Friction stir lap welding: material flow, joint structure and strength”, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 2012, 55 (2), 629-637
  • S. Yazdanian, Z.W. Chen, G. Littlefair, “Effect of tool speeds during friction stir lap Welding on mode of fracture and fracture strength of Al 6060-T5 joints”, Advanced Materials Research, 2011,275, 77-80
  • Z.W. Chen, S. Yazdanian, G. Littlefair, “Fracture strengths of Mg Alloy AZ31B-H24 friction stir lap welds”, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 275, 73-76

Refereed Conference Papers

  • Z.W. Chen, S. Yazdanian, “Fracture strength of friction stir lap Al6060 toTi6Al4V welds, in proceedings of the 10th international friction stir welding symposium, 2014, Beijing, China
  • Z.W. Chen, S. Yazdanian, “Microstructures in interface region and strengths of friction stir lap Al-to-Steel and Al-to-Ti welds - , in proceedings of the 1st international joint symposium on joining and welding, 2013, Osaka, Japan , pp.231-235
  • S. Yazdanian, Z.W. Chen,  “Friction stir lap welding of aluminium and magnesium alloys: deformation and joint strength”, in 8th pacific rim international congress on advanced materials and processing (PRICM-8), 2013, Hawaii, USA
  • S. Yazdanian , Z. W. Chen, G. Littlefair, “The role of joint interface on tensile-shear fracture strength of friction stir lap diffusion Al-to-Steel welds”, in 9th international friction stir welding symposium, 2012, Huntsville, USA
  • S. Yazdanian, Z.W. Chen, G. Littlefair, “ Mechanical properties of Al and Mg alloy welds made using friction stir lap welding”, TMS annual meeting, 2011, San Diego, USA, pp.243-251
  • S. Yazdanian, Z.W. Chen, “Effect of friction stir lap welding conditions on joint strength of aluminium alloy 6060”, IOP conference series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2009, Auckland, 012021
  • B. Sammak, K. Rousta, S. Yazdanian, “Preliminary cost analysis on bioethanol plant”, 6th national energy conference, 2007, Tehran, Iran

Why come to MIT?

MIT’s engineering programmes are designed to provide real-world skills that prepare students for immediate employment. Some courses include industry projects and collaborations with local businesses, ensuring graduates have valuable experience when they complete their studies​.

MIT also prides itself on personalised teaching, with small class sizes that allow lecturers to offer individual support​.