Wilbyn Mitchell

Senior Lecturer, Academic Lead

BApplCoun (Bachelor of Applied Counselling), PGDipCAT (Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Arts Therapy), NZCATT (New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching), MEd (Master of Education, current study).


Senior Lecturer, Academic Lead

Teaching areas

School of Health and Counselling


Wilbyn graduated as valedictorian from the Bachelor of Applied Counselling programme at MIT. He then worked as a counsellor, specialising in supporting LGBTQIA+ youth, before returning to MIT as a lecturer in the same programme. He pursued postgraduate studies in Creative Arts Therapy at Whitecliffe and is currently completing a Master of Education in Educational Administration and Leadership at Massey University.

Why I love MIT

I love being able to give back and teach at the institute where I got my education. MIT provides amazing opportunities to our students, and it is a privilege to be part of a hard-working, supportive and knowledgeable team that wants to set our students up for success while creating safe, ethical practitioners for our communities.