BNP Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions
How long does it take to complete the Bachelor of Nursing Pacific?
The programme is three years of full-time study and must be completed within 5 years
When can I start?
There is one intake per year in February at the MIT Manukau, contact us on 09 968 8736.
What are the course hours?
When you are in theory, lectures and tutorials are generally scheduled between 8am and 5pm, these notional hours will include self-directed learning activities to complete in your own time. When you are on clinical placement, the hours vary considerably.
Will I have to do shift work when on clinical placement?
You are required to be able to manage your personal responsibilities so you can undertake the different start and finish times for clinical placements. Shift and start times will vary according to the organisation however morning shifts start around 7am until 3.30pm and afternoon shifts are approximately 1pm – 9.30pm (this may vary). When you are completing your clinical experience as a transition student, prior to finishing the degree, you will have the opportunity to work the same shift as your preceptor which may include night shifts and weekends.
Where will I go for my clinical experience and do I have to provide my own transport?
Students have clinical placements in the greater Auckland area extending from Pukekohe/Waiuku to Central and West Auckland. Areas outside of this would be negotiated with you. Students must be able to travel independently to all of their clinical placements.
Do I need to have a full driver’s licence?
It is recommended that you have at least a restricted licence as you need to travel independently to all of the clinical placements. Some placements may require a full licence as you may be required to drive a vehicle with passengers.
I am an enrolled nurse. What credit will I get for this?
Credit will be individualised depending on when you completed the Enrolled Nurse Diploma so a process of recognition of prior learning process will need to be undertaken. You can discuss this on application.
I have not studied for many years, can I still apply?
We welcome your application and we can work with you through the range of options in order to plan your pathway to registration as a nurse. There are a range of options available for you if you don’t initially meet the entry criteria. Currently, entry criteria is university entrance or through foundation education for students over 20 years of age.
What support is available for students?
We have a wide range of support services for students. These include learning assistance, childcare centre, library facilities, disability services, language support, Kaiāwhina, Māori and Pacific support and counselling and health services.
How much does the course cost?
Course fees are set each year, please follow the link for current fee information. In addition to this students are required to purchase textbooks, uniforms, badge, clinical equipment and other items such as stationery or electronic devices as well as your registration for the final State Exam.
Are there any scholarships available?
MIT produces a booklet outlining scholarships and grants available and staff pass information on to students as it becomes available.
Who can I talk to gain more information?
Feel free to contact us on 09 968 8736 to speak to one of the admin team initially and an appointment can be made for you to meet with the relevant programme staff.
Do you have the course available part-time, and what are the hours and how flexible are these?
Part-time study may be an option, special conditions apply. Please contact the School of Nursing on 09 968 8736 to speak to one of the admin team initially and an appointment can be made for you to meet with the relevant programme staff.
If my IELTS score is not 6.5 in all bands, can I still enter the programme?
The results of the English language test need to be 6.5 in all bands. Applicants can re-sit the test and focus on the bands they did not achieve. An English language assessment is required of anyone whose schooling was not in New Zealand even if the medium of teaching was in English. The exception is for applicants who schooled in Australia or applicants who have completed at least 3 years of secondary education in New Zealand and who have achieved the literacy credits for UE.
I have been a caregiver for quite some time, does this qualify me for entry?
Having caregiving experience won’t qualify an applicant for entry to a nursing degree programme, however we can assist you to work out a pathway to entry.
What are the holiday periods? Do they coincide with national school holidays?
The programme often has holidays that coincide with school holidays in the first year however after that students frequently do not have school holidays.
Are uniforms and books included in the fees?
Uniforms, badge, clinical equipment and books are not included and there are other items that need to be purchased including an electronic device. The Programme Administrators can give you a more detailed list of items and costs. Other costs will include transport and parking for example when on clinical placement.
Specific information for students applying from the New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation:
Why do I need English language testing if I have passed courses in the New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation?
They are testing two different things. The programme covers a range of content and skills to ensure you are fully prepared to study at degree level and the English language assessments, (IELTS) test English language proficiency. The Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ) requires all registered nurses who have not done their schooling in either New Zealand or Australia to provide evidence of English language proficiency at 7.0 minimum in all bands. We assume that as you will be studying in English, your scores will increase over the three-year degree so we will accept a minimum of 6.5 in all bands.
Why do I need an English language assessment if all my schooling was in English?
As above, if your schooling was in either New Zealand or Australia and you meet literacy for University Entrance you will have evidence of your ability to study a degree in an English language medium.
What if my IELTS result is not ready in time?
You should inform us of the test date and the expected date of your results and we may be able to offer you an opportunity to attend orientation while we await your results. There is no offer of a place at this stage and this would only be available to applicants who had actioned the request for an English test within an appropriate timeframe. You are encouraged to action any request for additional information as soon as possible.
What if I haven’t got 6.5 in all bands?
As 6.5 in all bands is the minimum for entry you will not be considered to have met entry requirements.
Am I guaranteed entry to the BNP if I have B grades from New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation?
You may be offered a place subject to a B grade or higher, suitable references and available places. We would accept applicants from a list that is in order of application date. Therefore, the sooner you apply the better your chances of getting into the next intake. We do try to accommodate all successful students, however, sometimes the demand for places on the BN exceeds available places and you may be offered a place on the next available intake. If a place does become available you may be contacted to see if you would like the earlier place.
What if I don’t get a B grade in all courses and why do I need a minimum B grade for entry?
As a B grade or higher in all 4 compulsory Level 4 subjects is the minimum for entry, you will not be considered to have met entry requirements. A degree begins at level 5 and finishes at level 7. It is important that you are well prepared as it is an intensive programme of study that requires a sound knowledge base to be adequately prepared and to enhance your chances of being successful.
If I applied to the BNP and was referred to the New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation programme, do I have to reapply (and do I need more referee reports)?
We can hold your application for one semester. If you are required to study for more than one semester we will require a new application unless overall you are still within one year of first applying for the programme.
If I am studying the New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation do I have to apply to the BN– and when should I do that – and who can be a referee?
Apply early in your programme. You will require one reference from a lecturer and no reference can be over one year old when you start in the BNP so you may need new references. Your other referee should meet the requirements stated on the application form.
Which programme should I apply for - the BN or the BNP - and should I try for the Diploma in Enrolled nursing course as well?
Check the programme descriptions and get a sense of which one will allow you to meet your own personal aspirations. You can make an appointment to talk to a staff member if you are unsure about programme selection. Each course above has been accredited and approved and therefore the most appropriate programme is a matter of personal choice for the applicant along with the appropriate entry criteria.