Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
MIT became part of Te Pūkenga on 1 October 2022 and so you may have noticed that some things look a little different:
You’ll start to see more branding with MIT and Te Pūkenga.
A nationwide Te Pūkenga recruitment campaign for learners is in place. This campaign has the new Te Pūkenga look and feel but is co-branded with MIT and Te Pūkenga to show the relationship between the two, and that we are now part of a nationwide Te Pūkenga whānau.
New learners will enrol with Te Pūkenga
From 2023, you’ll benefit from a network-wide range of opportunities including by location, modes of learning (online, on campus and on-the-job) and programme. At MIT, our usual enrolment processes will still be in place, with systems, forms and platforms that may be co-branded, however from 2023, all learners will be enrolled with Te Pūkenga.
New learners will be awarded Te Pūkenga certification
In 2023, if you’re part-way through your qualification, you’ll be awarded co-branded Te Pūkenga certification with MIT. If you’re a new learner and start your qualification in 2023 you will be awarded sole Te Pūkenga certification.
Campus and course material will look much more like Te Pūkenga
Subsidiary-specific brands, including MIT, will ‘switch off’ from 1 April 2023, so you’ll see more of the new Te Pūkenga logo and branding across our campuses from April 2023 onwards. This will take some time.
Better support for all learners
Māori, Pasifika and disabled learners will be able to access new and enhanced mentoring and early out-reach/connection services which focus on increased access, participation, and retention. We’re starting with these learner cohorts as they’re currently underserved and we want all our communities to thrive.
General questions
What is Te Pūkenga?
Te Pūkenga is New Zealand’s largest tertiary education provider delivering vocational skills training throughout the country. MIT is part of Te Pūkenga. From 1 October 2022, all MIT learners will be enrolled with Te Pūkenga.
What are the main differences between MIT and Te Pūkenga?
We’re part of a network of providers across the motu, including campus-based, work-based and online learning. Together, we’re changing the model from that of a regionally-focused set of competing providers to a more flexible, cohesive and sustainable system that better meets the needs of learners, their communities, iwi and industry – now and in the future.
What makes Te Pūkenga unique and different? Why choose to study here?
This is a chance to be part of a new conversation and way of learning – moving from what you’re studying and where you’re studying, to ways of learning more in tune with where the world is heading. We’re shifting from fitting life around learning, to learning that fits around you our learners and what’s important in your world, and throughout your lifetime.
What does the name Te Pūkenga mean?
In te reo Māori, Te Pūkenga means to be proficient, expert or skilled in particular roles.
Why should I choose vocational education over other tertiary training?
Vocational education provides real-world learning connected to industry, preparing you as a learner for a high-value career in an essential field. We take great pride in connecting graduates to employment and providing opportunities for learners to upskill while you’re in the workforce. In 2021, 87.7 percent of MIT graduates progressed to employment or further study.
What happens to the values / kaupapa of each provider? Do they change, and if so what to?
We’re working closely with Te Pūkenga on a piece of mahi to understand the values that each subsidiary, like MIT adheres to, and how these might be reflected and described in the future.
Will Te Pūkenga make any changes to policies and procedures that will affect students?
Te Pūkenga has developed Te Kawa Maiorooro, Te Pūkenga educational regulatory framework, to have a consistent approach across the network to regulations that affect learners, like enrolment and assessment procedures, complaints, appeals and graduation processes. Te Kawa Maiorooro has not yet replaced all of MIT's policies and procedures, so where something is not covered by Te Kawa Maiorooro, MIT's own policies and procedures still apply.
More information is available on the student regulations and policies page.
Who do I call to enrol?
For enrolment in 2023, you can continue to enrol through our website www.manukau.ac.nz, call us on 0800 62 62 52, or email: enquiries@manukau.ac.nz.
What if I’m a new learner?
In 2023, new learners will be enrolled by Te Pūkenga.
What changes will I begin to notice with advertising next year?
A nationwide Te Pūkenga recruitment campaign for learners has the new Te Pūkenga look and feel but is co-branded with MIT and Te Pūkenga to show the relationship between the two, and that we are now part of a nationwide Te Pūkenga whānau.
Will the person who answers the phone be familiar with the current MIT sites and communities?
Yes, our friendly team is still based locally and can help with any queries or information.
How reputable will my qualification be in the job market?
Te Pūkenga learners will graduate with the strength and credibility of the country’s largest tertiary provider behind them.
What will it say on my certificate, diploma or degree? Te Pūkenga or MIT?
In 2023, if you’re part-way through your qualification, you’ll be awarded co-branded Te Pūkenga certification with MIT. If you’re a new learner and start your qualification in 2023 you will be awarded sole Te Pūkenga certification.
Is the qualification I get from Te Pūkenga that same standard as those issued by MIT?
Yes. We’re moving to a place where consistent programmes will be available across the motu to support our learners.
Over time, most programmes will transition to a single- common programme from within our network, which is in line with our Charter here.
How are qualifications changing under Te Pūkenga?
For a small number of qualifications, we’re working on developing new programmes in collaboration with subject matter experts from our network.
This’ll mean that you’re learning the latest, most up-to-date skills, developed in partnership with industry and with input from (where appropriate):
- Centres of Vocational Excellence
- Workforce Development Councils
- Regional Skills Groups.
This ensures that you’re gaining the relevant skills that best meet regional and national industry requirements, leading to a sustainable, high-value career in an essential workforce.
What does the end of MIT issuing qualifications mean for the status of the degrees, diplomas and certificates issued by those institutes previously?
This change doesn’t in any way affect existing qualifications.
Academic Year
Will the school dates be the same across all Te Pūkenga sites?
Initially, there’ll be differences. This may change over time as we move towards a more unified network.
Study Support
Will scholarships granted by MIT be honoured by Te Pūkenga?
Any scholarships granted will be honoured by Te Pūkenga.
Do Te Pūkenga students qualify for tertiary students’ public transport discounts?
There will be no change to public transport discounts over the transition period.
What happens to StudyLink through the transition period?
There will be no change to StudyLink during the transition period.
Study Locations
Where do I study?
The intention of Te Pūkenga is to open up more study options in more locations to more learners – and to enable them to move seamlessly between locations and modes of learning, whether that’s on-campus, online or on-the-job.
Can I start studying at one location and change to another easily?
This’ll take time to put in place, but you’ll start to see changes from 2023.
If I have applied or commenced study with MIT, does that mean I’m a student of the provider or a Te Pūkenga learner?
From 2023, all learners will be enrolled or signed-up with Te Pūkenga.
Can local and international learners begin at one location and move to another, part-way through their study to complete a qualification?
From 2023, you’ll start to see a greater range of learning options available to you, as well as some consistent national programmes being offered. Your learning will also start to align to different industry groups through Ako (Learning) Networks.
Can I attend lectures for the same Te Pūkenga course at different locations and is the timetable the same? Can I use the services at different Te Pūkenga locations?
That’s our longer-term goal, but it’ll take time to fully implement this level of flexibility and seamlessness of delivery. At this stage, we’re focused on setting the foundations to deliver our vision of success for all learners. From 2023, you can start to connect into national and local learner networks and join learner/student associations across Aotearoa – you’ll be hearing more about this later in the year.
Does Te Pūkenga offer online programmes?
Te Pūkenga will continue to offer a range of fully online programmes from 2023 onwards.
Equity in Education
How will diversity and inclusion be demonstrated?
A relentless focus on equity, ensuring participation, honouring and upholding the values of Te Tiriti o Waitangi is a priority for Te Pūkenga. This mahi is guided by Te Pae Tawhiti – Te Tiriti o Waitangi Excellence framework. Te Rito Outcomes Framework has been developed to support equity action plans throughout Aotearoa.
Initially, what engagement is planned for ākonga Māori?
In 2023, you’ll be able to participate in early whakawhanaungatanga activities and interactions that build meaningful connections and a sense of belonging for you and your whānau.
Your enrolment will offer the opportunity to connect back to your iwi/hapū if you wish.
Māori may shape a new outcomes framework and measures for Te Pūkenga. Māori learner-specific strategies and action plans ensure Māori success.
What is being done to ensure that we transition the kōrero of [Manukau,] Wairaka and that our purākau are continued? How can we retain our whakapapa connecting the two so that it isn't diminished?
Te Manu Tioro Tionga is currently underway. The project takes a tikanga Māori approach to Taonga Māori embedded in our current MIT branding.
What are the first steps to engagement with Pasifika learners?
Pasifika mentoring initiatives will be available to you, co-designed with our Pasifika fanau from across the network.
You’ll also be able to connect with local and national Pasifika learner and staff networks.
How can disabled learners engage with the network?
You’ll be able to connect with disabled support staff and learner networks.
How are these changes going to be reflected in the branding of subsidiaries like MIT?
You will have already started to see co-branded communications and other materials. This means you’ll see Te Pūkenga logo next to the MIT one.
What changes will we notice over this year?
Over the course of 2022 and into early 2023, you’ll see an increasing amount of Te Pūkenga branding as we move towards a single brand.
How will the different study locations be identified under Te Pūkenga branding?
Some of the detail of how things will work in practice is still being finalised. At the present time, you can keep engaging with us as you currently do, and we’ll keep you updated as things change.
International Learners
How will Te Pūkenga be known in the international market?
In international markets, our legal name will be Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
What type of education will Te Pūkenga be offering?
Te Pūkenga offers applied skills training in a variety of essential fields with learners working towards qualifications ranging from certificate to postgraduate level.
How will international students know they can have confidence in Te Pūkenga?
All of our existing programmes are NZQA-approved and will continue to be nationally and internationally recognised, as is the case with programmes from our network.
An International Strategy will be implemented across Te Pūkenga and we’ll start to implement a brand awareness campaign and introduce ourselves internationally.
How will the needs and concerns of international learners be represented nationally?
International learners will be represented at the governance level on Te Pūkenga learner advisory committee.
Student Voice
Will there be a Student Council for Te Pūkenga? If so, how will this be organised? Will there be one for each location or will there be a national council?
Te Pūkenga Interim Learner Advisory Committee was established in 2021 to provide advice to Council on keeping the needs of learners at the heart of everything we do.
A member of this committee also sits on Te Pūkenga Council.
A permanent committee will be appointed in 2023 with regional representatives.
How do employers connect with Te Pūkenga?
Local partner relationships and agreements will continue to be upheld, nurtured and managed at a local level.
An Employer Engagement Framework will embed a strong industry and employer voice within Te Pūkenga at both a national and regional level.
We’ll work with your business and industry to identify the unique needs and trends that affect you and develop fit-for-purpose responses.
A co-designed toolkit is a piece of mahi that we are working on that will help you develop more capabilities to assist with teaching and learning across a diverse range of learners in an inclusive work environment.
What does a Te Pūkenga qualification mean, relative to the current ones I see from MIT?
The changes don’t affect existing qualifications.
We’re moving to implement the availability of consistent programmes across the motu to support our learners.
Over time, most programmes will transition to a single common programme from within our network, which is in line with our Charter here.
How will the work done with subsidiaries to develop qualifications be recognised in Te Pūkenga programmes?
For a small number of qualifications (), we’re working on developing new programmes in collaboration with subject matter experts from our network.
This’ll mean that you’ll be learning the latest, most up-to-date skills, developed in partnership with industry and with input from (where appropriate):
- Centres of Vocational Excellence,
- Workforce Development Councils
- Regional Skills Groups
- Māori
- Underserved learners
- Subject matter experts
- Communities
- Professional groups