Marae bookings
The Marae is comprised of the Wharenui (Te Kete Uruuru Matua), Wharekai (Tahua Roa), and ngā wharepaku (ablution block). The design of Ngā Kete Wānanga Marae represents a matau (fish hook) – to bring people in to education.
Contact for Marae bookings
Nive Larkins - Marae Operations Assistant
Please note that all Marae bookings are to be made through the email address provided.
Email: maraebookings@manukau.ac.nz
Phone: (09) 9760642
Ngā Kete Wānanga Marae,
Manukau Institute of Technology
NC Block, Gate 12, 53 Ōtara Road, Ōtara.
Marae availability
The marae is not available for public hire during MIT events including student orientation, graduation, celebrations or staff functions.
Booking process
- Contact marae operations assistant (preferably) by email at maraebookings@manukau.ac.nz
- If marae is available for the desired date, the person booking the marae (hirer) will be sent a booking form to complete
- Marae operations assistant will advise by email whether a booking is confirmed
- The following will be attached to approved applications:
- Approved booking form for their records
- Marae information sheet
- Costs and payment schedule
- Pre-visit familiarisation appointment.
Liaison prior to visit
- One month prior to the hui, the marae operations assistant will contact the person responsible for booking:
- Confirm that the booking is still required
- Email the check-list for day and overnight stays
- Set meeting to discuss their requirements, marae safety regulations, set up and clean up, protocol etc.
- Marae operations assistant completes and signs the check-list with the hirer and emails/posts a signed copy to the security team (and head of security).
Liaison during Marae visit
- The marae co-ordinator is the point of contact during working hours
- After hours point of contact is security who will contact marae operations assistant if necessary.
- The marae complex must be left clean and tidy
- The marae operations assistant will review and sign off the check-list for whole day and overnight stays
- The marae operations assistant will have a swipe card available to allow access to the marae complex only – this requires a staff member to sign in and out for.
Please note that there will be a charge if the card has not been returned and the book has not been signed.
Pōwhiri will be held between the following hours
- 9am – 5pm (daylight saving)
- 9am – 4pm (autumn/winter).
Anything outside of these hours will need to be negotiated.