Te Ao Māori
E kore e taea e te whenua kotahi ki te raranga i te whāriki,
Kia mōhio ai tātou ki a tātou,
Mā te mahitahi o ngā whenu,
Mā te mahitahi o ngā kairaranga ka oti tēnei whāriki.
I te otinga, me titiro tātou ki ngā mea pai ka puta mai,
Ā tana wā hoki me titiro ki aua raranga i makere,
Nō te mea, he kōrero anō kei reira.
"The tapestry of understanding cannot be woven by one strand alone. Only by the working together of strands and the working together of weavers will such a tapestry be completed. With its completion let us look at the good that comes from it and, in time we should also look at those stitches which have been dropped because they also have a message." - Kukupa Tirikatene
Māori talent strategy
At Te Whare Takiura o Manukau (MIT), we are committed to creating a work environment where all our people can celebrate their diversity and flourish professionally. When you join the MIT | Te Pūkenga whānau you will see our commitment to increasing the number of kaimahi Māori at all levels of our organisation. We are creating valuable development and growth opportunities and have a dedicated talent acquisition strategy in place.
You can also find out more about Māori at MIT here.
Te Tāwharau Māori Caucus
Te Tāwharau is the Kaimahi Māori Caucus at MIT and is for all kaimahi Māori and other staff who share the values of Te Tāwharau.
We have a voice at all levels of MIT, including in academic and Allied forums, governance through the MIT Runanga, and direct access to the Senior Leadership Team via Wiremu Manaia, Pou Whakarewa Mātauranga Māori | Director Māori Education.
We awhi and manaaki kaimahi Māori and ensure you are connected to Te Ao Māori and have a voice in the decisions that affect us as Kaimahi Māori.
We are also called in to assist with Kaupapa Māori across the institute and also support our ākonga Māori to achieve during their time with us.