Welcome to Māori at MIT
Te tautoko i te angitu o nga akonga me nga hapori Māori
Nau mai haere mai ki MIT, Te Whare Takiura o Manukau
Te Tari Mātauranga Māori
Te Tari Mātauranga Māori (TTMM) is MIT’s centre of all things Māori and are here to support students, promote language and other programmes and workshops, assist with clubs and activities, and also act as the hub for Māori research, and community engagement.
TTMM is based in MIT’s Ngā Kete Wānanga Marae which is intended to be a gathering place for all Māori in Auckland and a prominent community facility.

Ngā Kete Wānanga Marae
The marae is the heart and gateway to MIT where students, staff, and the community are welcomed into our whānau and from where we offer ongoing support.
It is a place where you will witness how tikanga (customs and traditions) are being preserved and where history and whakapapa (genealogy) is found. It is where you find your place of standing.

Helping tauira succeed
MIT is all about community and people coming together to help each other succeed to the best of their ability. The team at Te Tari Mātauranga Māori does this by maintaining the marae as a home away from home and a central hub of all things Māori.
As well as any kaupapa Māori needs you might have, our staff can help you directly or by pointing you in the direction of other MIT services and organisations like:
- Te Ara Oranga - health workforce development service
- Māori and Pasifika Trades Training - scholarship programme
- The Ask Me! student services team
- Student support
- Student activities and events
- Career and employment solutions

We've gathered together a variety of information on Te Reo Māori, tikanga (customs), mātāpono me ngā kaingākau (principles and values), whakatauki (proverbs) and waiata (songs) to help you understand more about our unique and shared cultural heritage.

Programmes and workshops
Develop your knowledge of Māori culture and language. Whether you're at the beginning of your journey or more advanced, our Te Reo Māori language programmes are designed to help you gain the skills to confidently embrace te reo me ona Tikanga (Māori language and protocols) and comfortably engage in everyday whānau, marae, social, community and work or academic contexts.
We also provide cultural competency and Te Tiriti o Waitangi training to help with personal development and effective engagement within the workplace.

Events and activities
Te Tari Mātauranga Māori regularly host activities for students and staff such as waiata and kapa haka practices and other major annual events including Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, Matariki, and the Māori graduation celebration - Tuku Taonga.

Supporting kaimahi
We are committed to creating a work environment where all our people can celebrate their diversity and flourish professionally. When you join the MIT whānau you will see our commitment to increasing Māori within our workforce at all levels of our organisation. We are creating valuable development and growth opportunities and have a dedicated talent acquisition strategy in place.