The School of Secondary-Tertiary Studies (SSTS) based at Manukau Institute of Technology combines secondary school NCEA study and a tertiary qualification. Below we've answered some frequently asked questions about how SSTS works.
Who can study here?
The SSTS is for Year 11–13 students in the Auckland area. Students will be nominated by their secondary school principal using the School Endorsement Form. Students from Years 10–13 of secondary school can apply, and will enter the SSTS programme in Years 11–13.
What can you learn?
Students study a range of NCEA subjects, just as they would at secondary school, and at the same time spend 30–40% of their time working on tertiary-based courses. In Year 11, students complete NCEA Level 1 and on the tertiary side of things have the opportunity to study up to four MIT elective courses in areas such as:
- Automotive engineering
- Building and construction
- Business administration
- Early childhood education
- Sport and recreation.
In Years 12–13, students may complete NCEA Levels 2 and 3, while also continuing part-time tertiary study. Student progress and achievement is closely monitored throughout the year, and our students receive a high level of academic advice and pastoral support. Students are expected to meet their credit targets each term, and have the support to do this through a built-in catch-up/study programme. Or in Years 12–14, students may enrol in a full-time tertiary course at MIT funded by SSTS.
Does that mean my child is leaving school?
No, the SSTS is a school that takes students from Year 11 to Year 13. Students work towards NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3. In addition to NCEA qualifications students complete study towards tertiary qualifications at MIT. Your child will be dual enrolled, which means they remain enrolled at their current school, but will also be enrolled at the SSTS. The SSTS is responsible for your child on a daily basis.
What does this programme cost?
This programme is absolutely free; there are no school or course fees. If your child enters the SSTS at the start of Year 11 they will receive up to four years of secondary and MIT tertiary courses for free HOWEVER there will be a need from time to time for the family to contribute towards things like field trips and outings during the year.
How will my child get there?
We have students from all over Auckland who travel to MIT by car, train and bus. Students may be eligible for a transport subsidy which they can apply for from March onwards. Once an application is made there is a two-week processing period. Contact Auckland Transport on 09 366 6400 or www.at.govt.nz for bus and train details.
I would like to apply - what should I do?
There are two application forms included. The first form is completed by you and your child. Be honest in your answers as the more information we have the better.
The second form is completed by your school. You can take this to your dean, house leader, deputy principal, or whoever has been talking to you about the SSTS. They fill in this form and send it along with attendance and pastoral information to us at SSTS.
Once completed, post forms to:
Freepost 155404
School of Secondary-Tertiary Studies
Manukau Institute of Technology
Private Bag 94006, Manukau 2241
Auckland, New Zealand
What happens after that?
As soon as we receive your application forms we will write to you with an interview time and date. You and your child should both attend this interview, and you can bring other support people with you. After your interview, if your child is accepted he or she will be offered a place at the SSTS. We are looking for students who are keen to learn and work hard to achieve their goals.
Please call us on 0800 62 62 52 if you have any further questions.
What are the school hours?
School starts in the morning at 9am and finishes at 3.30pm. On some afternoons students will be in class until 4pm depending on what work they have on.
What are the school terms?
The school terms and holidays are the same as all other secondary schools, and students start at the beginning of February.
What about break times?
There is morning tea time and a 45 minute lunch break every day.
What about sports, cultural groups, etc?
Your child is able to play sports and be involved in cultural groups, etc at their current school as they remain on that school’s roll.
As an MIT student, your child can join and participate in MIT sports and cultural groups and activities. These are set up based on the needs of the students. An example is the Mentoring Group for Māori students. Students also have the opportunity to participate in activities and learning in conjunction with the Ngā Kete Wānanga Marae and the Pasifika Community Centre.
Is there a school uniform?
No, there is not a school uniform.
What happens if my child is absent or late for classes?
We ask that you call us to let us know if your child is going to be absent. If we have not heard from you we will text or call. We work closely with you on any attendance or lateness problems.
What other support is available?
We have a full-time social worker, a counsellor and access to doctors and nurses. Students can use the MIT library and the learning centre. We will contact you if we are concerned about anything. If your child has an illness or disability that may affect their ability to learn or successfully complete their studies we ask that you let us know on your application so we can put you in contact with the disabilities liaison co-ordinator on 09 968 8000. This will assist us to support your child’s move to MIT.
What might my child do after completing this programme?
Many of our students achieve good results and pass their NCEA Level 1 and 2. At that stage most students enrol in a full-time MIT certificate or diploma in an area they want to continue studying in, such as automotive, culinary, carpentry, early childhood teaching, business, etc. Some students continue with their school programme to gain NCEA Level 3 and University Entrance and are able to enter degree programmes at MIT or at university.
What are the NCEA success rates at SSTS?
The 2016 NCEA Results were:
- NCEA Level 1: 70% pass rate
- NCEA Level 2: 90% pass rate
- NCEA Level 3: 67% pass rate
- UE 33% pass rate
Our point of difference?
SSTS has small class sizes:
- Year 11 has classes varied from 12 to 16 students
- Year 12 and 13 have classes of 6 to 10 students.
Rolling enrolments and qualifications?
SSTS doesn’t run to a normal school calendar with NCEA Levels taken annually. Students can start at any time of the year and once they’ve achieved a level they roll straight into the next one. Term dates are the same, but there’s no waiting to start at the beginning of the school year. Students can start whenever works for them.
Can I visit to have a look?
Yes, let us know some days and times that suit you and we will set up a time to show you around.
Contact the Schools and Communities Liaison team on 0800 62 62 52.
Where is the school located?
The SSTS is located opposite the MIT Ōtara on Ōtara road. See the NK block on the campus map here. The address is: Gate 11A, 54 Ōtara Road.