Steps for schools to apply to SSTS
Got a student who would benefit from studying at SSTS?
Step one: Initial evaluation
Contact the schools and communities liaison team on 0800 62 62 52 to make an appointment to visit SSTS. This will give us a chance to discuss the challenges the student has faced and whether SSTS is a fit for them.
At this meeting, we’ll give you our brochure which includes the application forms or you can download them here:
Step two: School endorsement form
Please complete the school endorsement form and return it to us. You can FreePost it to the address on the form or email it to lyn.newton@manukau.ac.nz
Step three: Student application form
Work with the student to complete the student application form.
The following documents will be needed to complete the form:
- Birth certificate or a passport
- Record of academic learning (school records)
- Record of attendance (school records)
- Record of pastoral (school records)
- School endorsement from (school records), this can either send through an email or bring it in at the same time as the enrolment.
Step four: Interview
We then set up an interview time with the student. In this interview we chat with the student about:
- Why they are interested in coming to SSTS?
- Why do they think things didn’t work out at school?
- What do they need to change in order to succeed if they are given a chance to join SSTS?
- What do they want for their future? Do they have a career in mind?
The aim of the interview is to make sure that SSTS will be a good fit for the student, whether they have the motivation to make it work and what assistance the team at SSTS need to provide to support the student to succeed. The interview is for the child and the family, but support people are welcome to join in as well.