Marae bookings
The marae is comprised of a wharenui, wharekai, toilets/showers and classrooms and is designed to represent a matau (hook) to bring people into education.
Contact for Marae bookings
Nive Larkins - Marae Operations Assistant
Please note that all Marae bookings are to be made through the email address provided.
Email: maraebookings@manukau.ac.nz
Phone: (09) 9760642
Ngā Kete Wānanga Marae,
Manukau Institute of Technology
NC Block, Gate 12, 53 Ōtara Road, Ōtara.
Booking process
- Contact marae operations assistant (preferably) by email at maraebookings@manukau.ac.nz
- If marae is available for the desired date, the person booking the marae (hirer) will be sent a booking form to complete
- Marae operations assistant will advise by email whether a booking is confirmed
- The following will be attached to approved applications:
- Approved booking form for their records
- Marae information sheet
- Costs and payment schedule
- Pre-visit familiarisation appointment.
Liaison prior to visit
- One month prior to the hui, the marae operations assistant will contact the person responsible for booking:
- Confirm that the booking is still required
- Email the check-list for day and overnight stays
- Set meeting to discuss their requirements, marae safety regulations, set up and clean up, protocol etc.
- Marae operations assistant completes and signs the check-list with the hirer and emails/posts a signed copy to the security team (and head of security).
Liaison during Marae visit
- The marae co-ordinator is the point of contact during working hours
- After hours point of contact is security who will contact marae operations assistant if necessary.
- The marae complex must be left clean and tidy
- The marae operations assistant will review and sign off the check-list for whole day and overnight stays
- The marae operations assistant will have a swipe card available to allow access to the marae complex only – this requires a staff member to sign in and out for.
Please note that there will be a charge if the card has not been returned and the book has not been signed.
Pōwhiri will be held between the following hours
- Between 9:30am and 5:30pm (daylight saving)
- Between 9:30am and 4:30pm (winter).
Anything outside of these hours will need to be negotiated.