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Find work-ready students and graduates at Career Fest

Sign up for a booth at Career Fest and get ready to meet hundreds of students and graduates prepared to contribute to the success of your business in internships and other roles.

  • 20 May 2025 (MIT Manukau) and Wednesday, 21 May 2025 (MIT TechPark)

We’re here to connect your organisation with our students and graduates

We understand that employers are looking for more than just good academic grades – so at MIT, we prepare our students and graduates so they are work-ready, resilient, can collaborate, communicate, and have the ability to meet life's challenges with confidence.

Partner with us, and we help you recruit, advertise, promote, and prepare students and graduates for the work-force at no cost.

Opportunities to engage

Advertise your job vacancy

Advertise your job vacancy

Register now, and launch your ads through Prosple

MIT has developed a technology partnership with Prosple to help students get the best possible start on their careers.

When you register with Prosple you can post your job opportunities directly on their job portal. You will have access to students and graduates from both MIT and other Polytechnics in New Zealand.

Once your job vacancies have been listed, the students can submit their application profiles directly to you, or they can seek assistance from MIT's career consultant before their profile is submitted.

Partner with MIT – we'll help you find the right person for your job vacancy

It's often time-consuming and expensive to find the right person to fit your organisational culture, and to fill your job vacancy.

When you partner with us,  we can connect you directly with our students and graduates with free online or onsite recruitment sessions – so you can find the best candidate for your organisation.

Ready to post a job vacancy?

Sign in to Prosple to post a job vacancy.

For more information, or to contact us to set up a recruitment session, email our MIT recruitment consultant.

Employ an apprentice

Employ an apprentice

Our students are apprentice-ready!

At MIT, we teach pre-trade qualifications in automotive, carpentry, and masonry trades, electrical and mechanical trades, plumbing and gasfitting, and refrigeration and air conditioning. We work closely with industry to develop our programmes to ensure our students are well prepared for an apprenticeship in their chosen field.

Once our students have completed their qualifications – they will be seeking apprenticeship opportunities to kick-start their careers.

Ready to find an apprentice? Or want more information?

If you’re ready to find an apprentice: Complete this form and we’ll be in touch.

If you want more information or have further questions email our MIT recruitment consultant.

Did you know?
Eligible employers can apply for training and wage subsidies for apprentices as well. More details on this can be found on our Te Pūkenga website.

Attend events to engage with students

Attend events to engage with students

Get ready to find the perfect talent for your team

Connect and network with students face-to-face at one of our industry events, hosted by MIT.

You’ll be able to promote your business, your employment opportunities, and why our students should work with your organisation – all at no cost.

At MIT, our goal is to develop links between industry and our students, to help them into great jobs.

Find the opportunity that's right for you?

Career Fest (on-campus expo)

Tuesday, 20 May 2025 (MIT Manukau) and Wednesday, 21 May 2025 (MIT TechPark)
Career Fest is an in-person event that provides our students with valuable real-time interaction with employers to help MIT students toward job readiness.

Summer Jobs Expo (at MIT Manukau)

Come and meet MIT students who are on the hunt for summer job opportunities.

This event is specifically designed to promote casual and part-time job opportunities. You’ll get to network and connect with students and can interview students onsite.

Customised Recruitment Presentations (online/onsite)

Come and present your job vacancies online or onsite, throughout the year.

You’ll be able to talk directly to students studying the relevant disciplines related to your employment opportunities

Ready to book your recruitment presentation, or want more information?

Email our MIT recruitment consultant and we'll be in touch.

Offer a study-related internship

Offer a study-related internship

Our interns are work-ready – secure an intern for your organisation

At MIT, some of our study programmes include unpaid internships. Both employers and students benefit from placements – you get help on a project, and students get relevant work experience while earning course credits. Placement lengths can vary from 12-14 weeks and during the placement, the student intern must be working under supervision.

Engage one of our work-ready interns today to access the 21st-century skill set that can help you achieve your business goals.

Programmes that offer unpaid internships include:

Bachelor of Applied Social Work (Level 7) (view the course practicum information)
Bachelor of Applied Counselling (Level 7) (view the course  practicum information )
Bachelor of Applied Management (Level 7) (view the business internship information)
Bachelor of Accounting (Level 7) (view the business internship information)
Bachelor of Digital Technologies (Level 7) (view the digital technologies internship information)

For more information about how to secure an intern for your organisation email our MIT recruitment consultant.

Funded summer work placements – Electrical engineering students

We’re looking for organisations to partner with our Engineering School to offer summer work placement opportunities for our engineering students. Find out more here.