Manaaki Fund (Hardship Support) Application Form

The Manaaki Fund provides temporary financial assistance for learners who are facing unexpected hardship. Please Note: Hardship payments are assessed on individual circumstances and the information provided. This may mean learners get varying payment amounts. Abuse of staff will not be tolerated. Please be polite and patient as we work through the large volume of applications.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Your details
Are you an international learner? *
Please provide as much information as possible about why you are in hardship. The information provided here weighs heavily on the outcome of your application.
Hardship Fund Use * If successful, what will you be spending your hardship funds on. Select maximum of 3 options that apply.
The following information is required by the Ministry of Education and other agencies for statistical purposes.
Which ethnic group/s do you belong to? Select all the ethnicities that apply to you
Bank details
NOTE: This will be the bank account the hardship funds are deposited into if approved.
This must match with the bank account details you supplied in the previous question. It must clearly show your name, address and bank account number. If you are unable to upload your bank statement we will be in touch.
(Documents must be under 2MB, and in PDF, DOCX, JPG or PNG format.)
Declarations *