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Frequently asked questions
General questions
I have a Pōwhiri that I've been invited to attend to start my journey at MIT. What protocols should I be aware of?
We like to welcome all our students to the MIT whanau with a traditional welcome – either a Pōwhiri or a Whakatau. You can find more about the process here.
What can I get involved in while I'm studying at MIT?
There are a number of student groups to join or you can start one. To find out more about the existing groups or for information on how to apply to start a new club or group, please email studentlife@manukau.ac.nz. You could also have a role to play as a Student Council member or a School rep through becoming part of the MIT Student Voice.
What happens if something goes wrong while I'm studying? Who should I see?
You can always see your lecturer or a Student Advisor in the first instance. You can find our advisors at either MIT Ōtara, Dilworth Building, NA Block, Gate 12, Ōtara Road, Ōtara or at MIT Manukau (Floor 2 reception) or you can email advisors@manukau.ac.nz. If you require support through advocacy you can access this too through student support.
What hardship support does MIT have available to students?
We have a number of hardship support services available at MIT. As well as the MIT Hardship fund, there is a Student Support food bank and our Student Advisors can provide referrals to external food parcel providers like the Ōtara Health Trust, Salvation Army, 360 Tautua and South Seas Healthcare.
Can I access a course if I haven’t held a resident visa for 3-years?
Yes, you can study but you will need to pay for the course fees and any other course-related costs.
What funding am I eligible for to pay for my fees?
You may be eligible for the Government first-year fees-free, Youth guarantee, Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT) or free level 1 or 2 programmes. Speak to our Ask Me! Student Services team if you're not sure which you may be eligible for.
Do we have literacy and numeracy support?
Yes, we do. One of our student support teams in the Library and learning services provides learning support, including support for literacy and numeracy.
StudyLink questions
What do I do now that I have enrolled?
If you are needing financial assistance to pay for your course fees and living cost, you now need to access StudyLink.
What is involved with applying to StudyLink?
When you first go into the StudyLink website, you will be asked to take an eligibility test to see if you qualify for a student loan or allowance. Once that is clarified, then you can continue on to make an application for a student loan or allowance.
Can I get support with navigating the StudyLink process?
Yes. Our Student Advisors can help you navigate the StudyLink application process and can help with information about getting a student allowance, student loans and the benefits that StudyLink provide depending on your situation.
What is RealMe?
RealMe is a secure way to log into NZ Government sites e.g. Studylink, Work and Income, Companies office and Connect. Most of Studylink processes are online now and this is a safe way to upload and verify it is you when making applications.
What if I don't want to have a RealMe account?
You will not be able to access StudyLink and Connect without a RealMe Login.
What is Connect?
Connect links you to NZ Post where you upload all your personal and official documents when applying for a student loan or allowance.
When I'm applying to StudyLink, where do I find my course dates?
Your course dates can be found on your Statement of Fees which is attached to your enrolment confirmation letter. Use these dates when applying to StudyLink, but please note that these are the official programme dates and the days that you are required to be in class might be different. Please see your timetable to confirm the days you need to be in class.
I can’t study full time – can I still qualify for StudyLink?
Yes, in some circumstances. If you are in this situation, have a chat with our Student Advisors. You will be referred to Studylink’s Limited Full-time Study application form.
Do you know how much I would get on StudyLink?
No, you have to apply and they will estimate how much they can pay you on a weekly basis depending on your circumstances. For an indication, you can use the StudyLink eligibility assessment tool.
Do you know how much I would get if I apply for a student allowance?
No. The amount you may receive varies according to your situation and this is assessed in your StudyLink application.
Can I study and work at the same time and access a student allowance?
Yes, you can. However, there are criteria for this. You can see these here.
If the course was funded by MPTT can I still apply for course-related costs through StudyLink?
Yes, but these will be considered a loan and you will need to pay this money back.
What happens once I have applied?
You will be notified via text or via email as to the next stages of your application, so it helps if you remember all your passwords and usernames, as you will need them when you log into any of the Government agencies.
If I am declined, can I still study?
Yes, you can still study, however, you will need to pay for the course yourself.
What are some of the reasons that I am declined for a student loan or allowance?
There are a number of reasons why you may be declined. Some of these may be:
- You have studied previously and not passed 50% of your course.
- You may have debt with IRD which affects your eligibility to get funded.
- You may be an immigrant to NZ and do not meet the criteria (see PR status).
- You have used up your study weeks.
How long do you have to hold your Permanent Resident Visa before you can access a student loan/allowance?
You will need to have held your permanent resident visa for three years from its issue date. You will have to produce your passport to confirm eligibility.
Will StudyLink continue over the Christmas break?
No. However, you may benefit from applying for a Jobseekers benefit over this period, if you can't find a casual job. Our Careers and Employment Services team can help you get ready to job hunt by providing guidance with your CV, cover letter and interview tips to put your best foot forward.