Disability support services
Tautoko Hauā
Empowering ability and success
Manukau Institute of Technology is committed to delivering equitable, inclusive and accessible outcomes for disabled ākonga through the delivery and integration of its
National Strategic Disability Action Plan (DAP) which was endorsed by Te Pūkenga Council in April 2022.
Services we offer to enrolled students may include:
- Note-takers
- Exam adjustments
- Screening for Dyslexia/Dyscalculia
- Screening for Irlens Syndrome
- New Zealand Sign Language Interpreters
- Adaptive technology such as digital recorders, specific software.
Please be aware we do not provide in class or workshop teacher aide type of support and the above services are an indication only. Specific supports will be discussed at initial meeting with disability staff.
All students with disabilities/impairments are encouraged to contact Disability Support for further information before commencing study. This is to ensure a wraparound of your support needs are in place as required.
Bring with you supporting documentation about your impairment and any information you have about your course including your timetable (if you already have this).
View FAQ's or contact us for more information.
Contact us!
We are located at MIT Ōtara north campus, Dilworth Building, NA Block, Gate 12, Ōtara Road, Ōtara. (We are also available at all MIT Satellite campuses by appointment).
Email: disability@manukau.ac.nz
Phone: (09) 968 7668
Viber/text: (027) 568 7669