Student declaration
As a student enrolling at Manukau Institute of Technology, you are required to sign the following declaration which is incorporated in the student registration and enrolment form.
The Institute collects and stores information from this form to comply with the requirements of the law. This is then used to provide information to government agencies or other authorities as necessary. The information is used internally for administration processes, research, and reporting information. It may also be supplied to, and sought from, other educational institutions for the purpose of verifying academic records. The institute observes the principles governing the release of information as set out in the Privacy Act 1993.
You undertake to pay all fees and charges relating to your enrolment and to meet all collection charges with debt recovery. Attendance at any class without the full fees having been paid is in breach of Institute policy, and the Institute may take such steps as necessary to collect outstanding fees. Refunds and withdrawals will be processed in accordance with the Institute's policy.
You undertake to comply with the published statutes, and policies of the Institute. Copies are available at the Institute's library. You should note in particular: Statute 8 on Student Discipline, the General Academic Regulations, the Computer User Regulations of Manukau Institute of Technology, and regulations applying to your programme of study.