Michael Andrews

Senior Lecturer
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Senior Lecturer

Teaching areas

Database, Productivity Software, IT Communications

Contact details

Phone: +64 9 975 4605
Email: Click here to email Michael

Manukau Institute of Technology
MIT Manukau
Corner of Manukau Station Road and Davies Ave
Private Bag 94006
Auckland 2241


Michael started his career in construction industry administration. He has worked in the tertiary sector as a lecturer in Business and IT subjects from 1987 until 2000 at UNITEC. Full-time at MIT since 2001, he has held a variety of programme leadership roles since 2002: Programme Leader Academic DipICT Level 5/6 until 2009; Programme Leader CertICT Level 2010, 2014-2015 and Programme Leader Cert in Computing, Communication & Business 2011-2013. He is also a member of the IT Programme Committee.

Student retention and success along with pastoral care, particularly at entry levels have become a key focus for Michael.

His Master’s Degree has a strong component of adult literacy and numeracy research.

Michael has also been active at the ITP sector level in his discipline, representing the Auckland North region for CITRENZ for a number of years. He has undertaken multiple national level roles for this sector organisation.

As a member of NZQA MROQ workgroup member (2013-2016) Michael participated in the design of the current L4-L6 IT qualifications. He is currently active in helping develop MIT’s new programmes of study under the NZQA framework.


  • MSc (Science & Mathematics Education), Curtin University, 2009
  • BA (Economics/English), University of Auckland, 1984
  • Certificate in Adult & Tertiary Education, UNITEC

Research interests

Teaching Engagement and Learning,  Peer learning, Programme Design


Andrews, M. (2014, October). Enriching Student Engagement: Cloud-based Polling Software Adapted to Modern Learning Environments. Southern Institute of Technology Journal of Applied Research, 2-6.

Scholarly activities

CITRENZ Conference Co- Chair Nelson 2007, Auckland 2008

Awards and grants

2013 MIT Research Grant

Industry activities

  • National Editor for CITRENZ Blue Book 2008
  • CITRENZ Board member 2012-present
  • CITRENZ moderator for ICT qualifications 2004-2015
  • Chair CITRENZ stakeholders group 2012-2015
  • NZQA MROQ workgroup member 2013-2016 for L4-L6 IT qualifications
  • IITP IT Degree Accreditation Panel member 2015

Memberships and affiliations

IITP corporate membership