Dr Ali Sayadi

Teaching area
Civil engineering (structural)
PhD - Auckland University of Technology (AUT)
Master of Engineering (MEng) - University of Technology of Malaysia (UTM)
Industry experience
Ali has worked in various industry roles including Engineering Surveyor, Site Civil Engineer, Researcher, Project Design and Supervision Consultant.
Industry activities/Involvement
A novel biodegradable aggregate stable in alkaline environment - Aliakbar Sayadi, Thomas Neitzert, Charles Clifton.
Auckland University of Technology Enterprises Ltd (AUTEL),
Under patent process.
- AA Sayadi, ABA Rahman, MZB Jumaat, UJ Alengaram, S Ahmad. "The relationship between interlocking mechanism and bond strength in elastic and inelastic segment of splice sleeve". Construction and Building Materials (2014) 55, 227-237.
- AA Sayadi, ABA Rahman, A Sayadi, M Bahmani, L Shahryari. "Effective of elastic and inelastic zone on behaviour of glass fiber reinforced polymer splice sleeve". Construction and Building Materials (2015) 80, 38-47.
- AA Sayadi, JV Tapia, TR Neitzert, GC Clifton. "Effects of expanded polystyrene (EPS) particles on fire resistance, thermal conductivity and compressive strength of foamed concrete". Construction and Building Materials (2016) 112, 716-724.
- AA Sayadi, JV Tapia, TR Neitzert, GC Clifton. "Strength of bearing area and locking area of galvanized strips in foamed concrete". Construction and Building Materials (2016) 114, 56-65.
- AA Sayadi, JV Tapia, TR Neitzert, GC Clifton. "Effectiveness of foamed concrete density and locking patterns on bond strength of galvanized strip". Construction and Building Materials (2016) 115, 221-229.
- AA Sayadi, TR Neitzert, GC Clifton. "Ultra-lightweight Concrete Containing Expanded Poly-lactic Acid as Lightweight Aggregate". KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-12.
- AA Sayadi, TR Neitzert, GC Clifton, Karnika De Silva. " Investigation on Bond Stress-slip Behaviour of Concrete Containing Poly-lactic Acid Aggregate ". KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-12.
- AA Sayadi, TR Neitzert, GC Clifton. Influence of poly-lactic acid on the properties of perlite concrete. Construction and Building Materials 189, 660-675
- AA Sayadi, TR Neitzert, GC Clifton. "A comparative investigation of the engineering properties of perlite concrete containing petroleum and bio-polymer aggregates". International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering 2018, Sydney, Australia.
- AA Sayadi, TR Neitzert, GC Clifton. "Feasibility of a Biopolymer as Lightweight Aggregate in Perlite Concrete". International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering (2016) 10(6), 690-700, San Francisco, USA.
- AA Sayadi, TR Neitzert, GC Clifton. "Assessment of Vermiculite Concrete Containing Bio-Polymer Aggregate". International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2016) 3(9), 1104-1111, San Francisco, USA.