Hajar Sarmadi




Teaching area

Civil engineering


Master of Engineering (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Bachelor of Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology


I began my career with a “Water and Wastewater Consultancy Company”, when I graduated from my BE.

Having around 8 years professional job experiences with “Water, Wastewater & Environmental Industries” in my country, I moved to New Zealand in 2016.

When I arrived in NZ, I started my career with a “Water and Land Advisory Company”, and I was involved in “catchment modelling and management projects” and also “design of water transmissions and networks projects”.

I started working at MIT as a civil engineering lecturer in 2018.

I have been involved in a wide range of civil engineering projects, including; water supplement and network design, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental monitoring, Environmental Resiliency, surface water and groundwater simulation and modelling, hydrology and catchment management.

I hope that I will be able to pass my experiences and skills to the next generation of young engineers.

Why come to MIT?

I love the diversity that we have here at MIT and friendly staff and lecturers.

We are here at MIT to help every student to have a brilliant future in civil engineering industries.