Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

We understand that learning comes in different forms — we’re proud to offer study pathways that recognise the value of your previous work, education and life experience.

Recognising learning for credit

Have the experience, skills or knowledge, but not the qualification?

MIT recognises that adult learners come with a wide range of knowledge, skills and experience. We understand that learning in the workplace is just as important in providing a set of valuable skills and experience as learning in the classroom. That’s why we are offering a variety of ways to recognise prior learning.

Recognition of Prior Learning and Skills (RPKS) is the overarching term for assessing and recognising learning to award credit towards a qualification, course or standard at Te Pūkenga. The credit may be from previously credited learning or non-credited learning. Recognising learning and awarding credit is undertaken by evaluating ākonga skills and knowledge in relation to the graduate profile or other learning outcomes of a programme, component of learning, or assessment standard.

Where stated in the Programme Regulations, some programmes may limit the number of credits that may be recognised through RPKS.

There are several ways we recognise your skills and knowledge:

Cross credit (CC) and Credit Transfer (CT)
Recognition of informal prior learning (RPL)

For each process, evidence of prior knowledge is required. See the many ways you can provide evidence below.

Is RPL for me?

Anyone with knowledge and skills gained through informal learning or formal learning can apply for RPL.

The RPL process includes an assessment of your skills and knowledge against the outcomes of the relevant course.

For example, a successful applicant is someone who has a good amount of experience in the area in which they are seeking a qualification and can either provide authentic evidence and/or demonstrate knowledge and skills. This area of knowledge and experience is current and relevant to the course or qualification.

Credits for knowledge and skills are not awarded in every case as industry regulations and standards may apply.

Cross Credit Recognition and Transfer (CRT)
Recognition of informal learning
Assessment of prior learning
International qualification

Applying for RPKS

Applying for RPKS is a three-step process:

  1. Indicate your interest in RPKS using the online enrolment process. This will  initiate your MIT student identity
  2. Write to and state the programme for which you are interested in getting credit
  3. Complete the appropriate RPKS application form for the programme you wish to study.

You can apply for RPKS well in advance of starting your studies.

Whenever you choose to apply for RPKS, you will need to complete the MIT online enrolment form and a separate RPKS application form, so we have the details we need to process your results.

You will be subject to MIT’s Ākonga Policy for each year in which you are enrolled, whether you are an enrolled student or an RPKS candidate.

Before applying for RPKS you should consider the following points:

  • Do you think your knowledge and experience and /or your previous related study meet the purpose of the course/s of your study choice?
  • Do you think you can provide authentic and verifiable evidence for your chosen course/s?
  • Do you think you are eligible for RPL, CR, CT or a combination of these?
  • Have you calculated approximately how much the RPKS fees will be? (You could pay course by course or in a lump sum)
  • Are you aware that if your application for RPKS means you will be studying for less than 80% of full-time study, you may no longer be eligible for loans and allowances?

Once you have considered these questions and you know that you want to proceed with your RPKS application, tick the RPL button in the online enrolment form and write to to request an application form tailored to the study you are interested in. Alternatively, download the blank RPKS Application Form template and email it to once you have completed it.

Download and read:

Find out more

If you have questions about your qualifications or prior skills, or to find out more, contact us today.

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