Why choose NZMS?
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Shipping, logistics and freight are industries at the heart of modern society.
These high technology and customer-driven services are playing an increasingly vital role in a world in which people and countries are becoming more interdependent as international trade expands.
At the New Zealand Maritime School, our lecturers and staff are committed to ensuring that our students and industry clients are equipped to serve at the forefront of these dynamic and growing sectors of the global economy.
The qualifications and training we provide are relevant, well-structured and widely recognised both in New Zealand and overseas. Our graduates face the choice of a diverse range of job and career opportunities.
Bodies that accredit our training include Maritime New Zealand, the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, the Nautical Institute and International Air Transport Association (IATA).
The school is a member of the International Maritime Simulator Forum and is affiliated with the Nautical Institute, the world's largest international body representing maritime professionals, and works in a joint venture with Seaways Ltd.
We maintain close links with other similar institutes throughout the Pacific, Asia and Europe and are a member of GlobalMET, the largest international single grouping of maritime training and research expertise with non-governmental organisation (NGO) status with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).