Frequently asked questions
When you are interested in studying with NZMS there are some more specific FAQ's that we get asked. If you have a query that is not addressed below, please let our Ask Me! team know and we will endeavour to add it to the FAQ's for future students.
How much seatime do I need to attend one of your maritime courses?
This varies for all courses but generally, for those starting out in cadet programmes, no seatime is required. For all other commercial and foreign going tickets you should either contact the New Zealand Maritime School for further guidance or visit the Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) website at www.maritimenz.govt.nz.
How do I find out if I have the required seatime?
All decisions on eligibility are made by Maritime New Zealand who are responsible for the verification of all seatime for MNZ courses. Candidates should apply directly to MNZ to have their seatime verified but can check with the New Zealand Maritime School in the first instance if unsure about how much seatime is required for a specific course.
Can I attend full-time, part-time, or do modular study?
A number of our maritime programmes are offered in a modular format. This makes it possible for students to attend a course and return to work/sea before returning to study the further courses in the programme. Depending on the programme, modules may be offered more than once a year for further flexibility. We recommend discussing what option is best for your situation with us before applying.
Some shipping and freight courses are offered with full-time, part-time or distance learning formats but students should check with Ask Me! as to their suitability.
How do I book into a course?
Please contact our friendly Ask Me! team to hold a place on a course, but your place will not be confirmed until an enrolment form is received from you with supporting documentation.
When do I have to enrol and pay?
Enrolment is generally arranged when you book onto a course and must be completed before attendance at a course. In the case of ancillary courses where there are limited spaces available, you may have to book and pay well in advance to hold your place. For full-time courses, payment is due by the first day of the course. You can contact our Ask Me! team for more information about applying and enrolment.
For international students, payment must be made in order to obtain a visa. Please contact our International team for more information.
Am I eligible for loans or allowances?
Generally, students need to be enrolled for at least 12 weeks full-time for a course to be eligible for a loan or allowance. If you need help understanding if the course you wish to enrol in is covered by loans or allowances, you may contact our student support advisors for help.
You can also find out if you're eligible to apply or for more information, you can contact StudyLink on 0800 88 99 00 or visit the StudyLink website www.studylink.govt.nz.
What if I want to apply to complete one course and not the whole programme?
You may be able to complete one course as a Certificate of Proficiency (COP). Please contact our Ask Me! team in the first instance to discuss what options may be available to you.
How can I get a copy of my academic transcript?
If you require a copy of your academic transcript, you will need to complete an Academic Transcript Request and submit it to our Ask Me! Student Services Centre by email, or in person. Please note that a processing fee applies to all transcripts issued.
Where can I collect my certificate/ancillary certificates?
When you’ve received an email to say your certificate is ready for collection, you can collect this from our City campus.
What if I’ve already completed a STCW course with another provider, not MIT?
You must please provide us with the original certificate so we can credit recognise this course towards your programme of study. There will be a credit recognition cost.
For more information about Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), click here or email SchoolofMaritime@manukau.ac.nz.
Where can I find the STCW form and swim declaration form?
You can find the declaration forms here.
Where are firefighting and sea survival courses held?
These courses are held at the MIT Mahurangi campus.
What are the stationary requirements for the course?
All students will need to bring a pen and a notebook. For more information on getting study ready click here.
Where can I find the required Training Record Books (TRB)?
These can be found on the Maritime New Zealand website, please click here. The TRBs for the diploma programmes (Nautical Science and Marine Engineering) are approved by MaritimeNZ but purchased from the NZ Maritime School.
Do you provide transport between the city campus and MIT Mahurangi campus?
No, you will need to organise your own transportation. If you are planning on using public transport, please visit the Auckland Transport website for more information on your travel options.
What do I need to do to apply for a programme?
Please visit our be application ready page to find out what information you need to provide when apply to study with us.
What fees and study costs will I need to pay?
Find more information on fees and study costs here.
I need to re-enrol.
Please fill in the re-enrolment form or speak to our Ask Me! team.
I am an International student, who can I speak to?
Please contact our International team, who will be able to assist with your query.