Youth Guarantee

Are you 16-24 years old? You may be able to free* fees for one of our level 3 qualifications.

2025 funding for Level 3 Youth Guarantee programmes has been allocated.

Please be advised that MIT's funding allocation for level 3 programmes under Youth Guarantee has been met for 2025.

If you’d like to talk to someone about your study options, please contact our Ask Me! Student Services team.

As part of the government's Youth Guarantee scheme, Manukau Institute of Technology has free* spaces for young people to study and get a level 3 certificate qualification. You can now get the skills and qualifications for great jobs, over a wide range of industries.

For 16–17 year olds
  • Apply for Youth Guarantee places in approved programmes at Manukau Institute of Technology
  • Get funding for course fees
  • Apply to StudyLink for a student allowance if eligible.
For 18–24 year olds
  • Apply for Youth Guarantee places in approved programmes at Manukau Institute of Technology
  • Get funding for course fees
  • Apply for course-related costs and living costs only, as part of StudyLink's student loan scheme
  • Apply for a student allowance from StudyLink if eligible.

If this sounds like you or someone you know, get in touch with one of our experienced Ask Me! advisers who can assist you.

Eligible programmes (2025)

What you need to know
Are you a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident?

Potential Youth Guarantee students must be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.

What age do I have to be?

Potential Youth Guarantee students must be 16–24 years old at the start of their course/study.

Can I still be at school?

Youth Guarantee students must not be enrolled in school and an approved Youth Guarantee Level 1, 2, or 3 programme at the same time.

What if I've already achieved a Level 3 or higher National or New Zealand Certificate qualification?

If you have achieved a Level 3 National or Level 3 New Zealand Certificate qualification, or have already received two years of funding under Youth Guarantee, you will no longer be eligible for Youth Guarantee funding.

What programme can I enrol in?

Youth Guarantee students may enrol in one of the eligible programmes.

How long will the Youth Guarantee programme be funded for?

If you're enrolled in a Youth Guarantee-approved programme, there is a two-year limit on funding.

Do I need to sign anything?

Potential Youth Guarantee students will be required to sign a declaration form.

Youth Guarantee student declaration form PDF, 186.87 KB

Where can I get more information?

Our experienced Ask Me! agents are here to help you make the decisions that are right for you. So no matter what you're looking for, the team can guide you through the process.

Ready to take the first steps towards your dream job?

If you know what you want to study, but you're unsure what to do next — we can help by sending through relevant information from the areas of study that appeal to you.

Or, if you need help deciding what to study our experienced Ask Me! agents can assist you. Complete the form below, and we'll be in touch.

*Required fields.

*Free study for Level 3 may be available for 16 to 24 year olds (Youth Guarantee). All free study is subject to availability and funding confirmation. Proof of residency status required. Entry criteria, and some costs, may also apply. Eligibility for student allowances or student loans may vary. Contact StudyLink for more information.