Cross credits and prior learning
If you already have work experience and are seeking a qualification, you may be able to reduce the amount of time you spend studying.
Cross Credits
Students may be eligible to gain cross-credits from prior tertiary studies. Cross-credits may be given if:
- A student has already passed papers directly relating to the programme of study at Manukau Institute of Technology.
To apply for cross-credits you will need to submit the following information:
- Certified copies of academic records
- Official prescription and learning outcomes for each course you wish to have cross-credited.
Forward all applications to International Marketing and Recruitment, Private Bag 94006, SAMC Manukau, Auckland, New Zealand or email to: international.application@manukau.ac.nz
Please allow four-six weeks for processing of cross-credit applications.
Recognition of Prior Learning
If you already have work experience and want a qualification you may be able to reduce the amount of time you spend studying. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can put you on the path to gain the qualification you want.