Customised maritime and logistics training
As one of New Zealand's premier providers of maritime and logistics training, we offer a range of short courses, certificate and diploma programmes and in-house training services.
We have the ability to provide our courses, training and consultancy services throughout New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region. We are more than a traditional maritime school, as our courses extend to areas of air freight, customs practice, importing, exporting, dangerous goods handling and freight forwarding.
In addition to our scheduled courses, we develop and deliver a large number of logistics and maritime courses each year to meet the specific needs of individual companies or industry groupings.
We also undertake consultancy work within the maritime field for Government agencies, aid donors and commercial maritime interests in New Zealand and throughout the Asia Pacific Rim.
We work closely with ports, shipping, airline, importing, exporting and freight logistics industries, both directly and through advisory committees to ensure that our courses are aligned with industry requirements.
To find out more about our customised training and consultancy and how we can help you, please call us on 0800 62 62 52.