Teach with MIT
Join our kaiako (academic staff) who have been delivering quality tertiary education in South Auckland for over fifty years. We proudly offer our ākonga (students) and kaiako inclusive services, support and modern teaching facilities across our campuses and schools. As an NZQA accredited Category 1 Provider, we recognise the importance of high-quality kaiako teams to ensure the success of our ākonga. We pride ourselves on delivering engaging teaching and championing our ākonga every step of their journey.
Our programme committees work on behalf of the Academic Committee across Te Whare Takiura o Manukau (MIT) and ensure our programmes deliver quality learning to meet student, industry, and wider community needs. Every programme goes through an internal approval process and has its own programme committee. You can join the committee and grow your skills and expertise.
Our teams
- The Quality team ensures programmes meet support moderation processes and self-assessment requirements. They are also involved with MIT’s professional development programmes for our kaiako.
- Academic Centre supports you with programme development, your professional development, academic quality and continuous improvement.
- Academic Partners support our academic induction and onboarding through Teach@MIT (teaching in culturally responsive ways, using our LMS – Canvas, assessment and feedback, MIT quality processes). They also help bring your lessons to life, enabling the delivery of relevant pedagogically sound and student-focused programme curricula.
High-quality learning resources
We have one of the most advanced Fleximode studios used in tertiary education in Aotearoa. It’s where digital assets (videos, Articulate Storylines, pictures, animations, slides with audio etc.) are made to boost our student’s engagement and learning.
Work with our Fleximode team to bring extra magic to your teaching and student’s learning with content that can be delivered in any environment. Check out some of our Fleximode innovations that you could incorporate into your lesson plans.
Recognition and research

Dr Sayan Ray, Academic Leader of Research and Curriculum,
School of Digital Technologies receiving the 2019 MIT Research
Excellence Award with Dr Daud Ahmed, Research Director
Our Teaching Excellence Awards celebrate excellence in the art and practice of vocational education. The annual awards support our people to progress to the Ako Aotearoa Tertiary Teaching Excellence awards.
MIT also encourages research-informed teaching and has a dedicated Research Office, research funding and academic leads to guide and mentor your research endeavours. With two research labs, you will have access to high-speed computers and technology. We provide our lecturers with higher education opportunities to build their research capabilities. Each year we celebrate and recognise research efforts through our Research Excellence Awards.
Professional development
There are many tertiary teaching qualifications you can complete at MIT | Te Pūkenga such as a grad cert in e-learning, grad cert in activity-based e-Learning and the New Zealand Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education, (NZCALNE). There are also many short unit standards and we are proud to offer our people a range of cultural competency courses to enhance their teaching.