Level 3

Specialise in healthcare assistance

Study health and wellbeing

Are you passionate about caring for or helping other people? Then a career as a healthcare assistant or support worker may be for you. This certificate will prepare you to work in health and wellbeing.

Programme highlights

Would you like to work as a healthcare assistant or support worker in an essential industry?

This programme will prepare you to work in a support role within a range of health or wellbeing sectors.

You will learn the skills and knowledge needed to provide person-centred support to individuals in their daily lives.

This programme has a focus on caring for the elderly; in particular, learning how to care and support someone living with dementia.

Choose your specialist strand

Health assistance

Become a healthcare assistant and provide person-centred care under the direction and delegation of a registered nurse. Follow a patient care plan to support and assist individuals with their daily activities. You could work in  primary and acute facilities or hospitals, care homes and on therapeutic programmes.

Support work

Become a support worker and provide person-centred support to maximise client independence. You will learn how to support a client in meeting their individual needs and provide assistance with activities of daily living. You will be able to support clients within the community and primary health care settings.

This programme includes a minimum of 100 hours of work experience.

Other programme information:

  • VCA checking. When you apply for this programme you will need to undergo police vetting and VCA checking. This means you must provide two character references that attest to your suitability to work in a mental health or community support work setting
  • Uniform. Your uniform will be a white polo shirt, black pants and black trainers/shoes. You will be required to supply these items.
  • You may be required to complete literacy and numeracy assessments as part of this programme.

If you are Māori or Pasifika, find out how you could be supported on your MIT journey with Te Ara Oranga.

Please note: Vaccination for COVID-19 is no longer an expectation for workers (including student health and wellbeing support staff) in the public health system. Health NZ published a notice on 19 December 2024 stating the Pre-employment COVID-19 Vaccination Policy is withdrawn. This means that while getting vaccinated for COVID-19 is still highly recommended, it won't be expected of students. Students in Health and Wellbeing programmes at MIT will no longer be required to be vaccinated for COVID-19 or provide proof of vaccination to MIT. Other immunisation requirements are still in place (please see your programme information for details). To protect yourself and others, it is important to stay up to date with the latest COVID-19 vaccines as the virus changes, follow the latest immunisation recommendations, and be aware of any new infectious disease risks in your area.

Entry requirements

Entry requirements


Be 17 years of age or older.


Applicants must meet the following criteria for admission into the programme:

NCEA Level 1 or equivalent DAS Unit Standards.

For applicants 20 years of age and over there are no minimum academic requirements;


Can demonstrate equivalent knowledge/capability through relevant work experience with the approval of the Industry Manager;


Have successfully completed a New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Skills (Level 2) or equivalent.


Applicants are not required to attend an interview, however a programme information session will be held to ensure applicants have selected the appropriate programme of study.

English language entry requirements

Applicants must have sufficient competence in the English language to undertake this programme which is taught and assessed in English. Any applicant whose first language is not English will be required to provide evidence of their English language competency as follows:

English language requirements for applicants for whom English is a second language

Applicants for whom English is a second language (including international applicants) for the minimum English language requirements refer to the requirements set out in the current NZQA English language requirements.

Regulatory or other requirements

This programmes includes a minimum of 100 hours of work experience. Workplace can be embedded throughout the programme where a student is in a workplace environment.

Or will be scheduled throughout the programme to ensure the student has the necessary practicum experience to meet competence.

Students will be required to undergo initial and ongoing checks to ensure they are a fit and proper person to provide support in the health and wellbeing sectors.

Applicants of this programme will need to undergo police vetting and VCA checking.

Immune status requirements as per industry needs.

This programme adheres to and is consistent with the Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights) Regulations 1996, the Privacy Act 1993, the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, and any other legislative or contractual requirements to which the industry or role is subject.

Special & discretionary admission

Any ākonga who is 20 years of age or older and has not reached the general admission requirements for their intended programme is eligible for Special Admission. Te Pūkenga works with the ākonga to ensure they are prepared for their intended programme. Any ākonga who is not yet 20 years of age and has not reached the general admission requirements for their intended programme may be eligible for Discretionary Admission. In assessing whether to grant Discretionary Admission, the delegated authority focuses on the applicant’s level of preparedness for their intended programme.

Give yourself credit with Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Did you know you can use the knowledge and experience you already have to your advantage?

Your previous work experience and on-the-job skills, volunteering, professional development, and other providers’ qualifications can be recognised as prior learning, matched against credits in our courses, and put towards your qualification – potentially saving you money and possibly helping you to complete your qualification faster Learn more.

Programme structure

Programme structure

You will need to complete the below five courses from your strand (70 credits):

Healthcare assistant strand

724.301 Caring within a health or wellbeing setting (10 credits)

You will demonstrate knowledge of ethical and legal frameworks which underpins person-centred support/care for clients.

This course explores the role of the healthcare assistant and relevant regulations, legislation, and protocols that guide the way we deliver care.  We review the healthcare system and the roles of the large number of health professionals that may care for our patients/clients. Lastly, we discuss how to recognize and the impacts of vulnerability and abuse.

724.310 Supporting a safe environment for the healthcare assistant (15 credits)

This course allows you to demonstrate knowledge of maintaining safe work practices when providing person-centred care.

This course explores vital information to support safe work practices including moving and handling of clients/patient which is then put in to practice in MIT’s clinical learning suite. Other key aspects of this course include infection control principles, risk management and responding to changes of a patient/clients condition.

724.311 Socio-cultural awareness and safety for the healthcare assistant (5 credits)

You will demonstrate knowledge of socio-cultural dynamics to ensure safety when delivering person centred care.

Developing cultural competence is the theme of this paper. It is achieved through the exploration of culturally safe care with focus on both Maori and Pasifika and their cultural customs. The Treaty of Waitangi and “The New Zealand Health Strategy” are introduced as well as their application to the way we deliver healthcare in New Zealand.

724.314 Functional individual needs for the healthcare assistant (20 credits)

You will be able to demonstrate knowledge of impact on functional ability on an individual in order to provide person-centred care.

This course reviews all aspects of the human body including each of the body systems (and its requirements) through to the aging process. Chronic health conditions that are common in our community are discussed as well as how to empower clients/patients to manage the functional changes that can occur.

724.313 Communication for the healthcare assistant (20 credits)

You will be able to demonstrate effective communication strategies to manage challenging behaviour within a health or wellbeing setting.

The fundamental skill of communication is a large focus on this course. From the way that we speak to what we say, topics covered range from identifying behavioral changes to the importance of personal care plans. Challenging behaviors of clients/patients and how we can respond is covered with a section on the progressive condition, dementia.

Support worker strand

724.301 Caring within a health or wellbeing setting (10 credits)

You will demonstrate knowledge of ethical and legal frameworks which underpin person-centred support and care for clients.

This course explores the role of the support worker and relevant regulations, legislation, and protocols that guide the way we deliver care.  We review the healthcare system and the roles of the large number of health professionals that may care for our patients/clients. Lastly, we discuss how to recognize and the impacts of vulnerability and abuse.

724.306 Supporting a safe environment for the support worker (15 credits)

This course allows you to demonstrate knowledge of maintaining safety when providing person-centred care.

This course explores vital information to support safe work practices including moving and handling of clients/patient which is then put in to practice in MIT’s clinical learning suite. Other key aspects of this course include infection control principles, risk management and responding to changes of a patient/clients condition.

724.307 Socio-cultural awareness and safety for the support worker (5 credits)

You will demonstrate knowledge of socio-cultural dynamics to ensure safety when delivering person-centred care.

Developing cultural competence is the theme of this paper. It is achieved through the exploration of culturally safe care with focus on both Maori and Pasifika and their cultural customs. The Treaty of Waitangi and “The New Zealand Health Strategy” are introduced as well as their application to the way we deliver healthcare in New Zealand.

724.XXX Functional individual needs for the support worker (20 credits)

You will be able to demonstrate knowledge of impact on functional ability on an individual in order to provide person-centred care.

This course reviews all aspects of the human body including each of the body systems (and its requirements) through to the aging process. Chronic health conditions that are common in our community are discussed as well as how to empower clients/patients to manage the functional changes that can occur.

724.309 Communication for the support worker (20 credits)

You will be able to demonstrate effective communication strategies to manage challenging behaviour within a health or wellbeing setting.

The fundamental skill of communication is a large focus on this course. From the way that we speak to what we say, topics covered range from identifying behavioral changes to the importance of personal care plans. Challenging behaviors of clients/patients and how we can respond is covered with a section on the progressive condition, dementia.

Do you want to study a single course, without enrolling into the full programme?

Courses within some of our programmes may be offered as an individual Certificate of Proficiency (COP). Programme entry requirements and course fees apply. For more information, please speak to our friendly Ask Me! team.

Careers and pathways

Further training or study

Career opportunities

Graduates of the health assistance strand may be employed as healthcare assistants in a range of contexts including acute care, primary care, aged residential care and therapeutic programmes.

Graduates of the support work strand may be employed in a range of roles supporting people in the community including disability, ACC support work, in home support roles. For potential salaries visit careers.govt.nz.

Fees Free scheme: Free study for the first or final year of your Level 3 or above qualification may be available under the Government’s Fees Free study scheme. Visit feesfree.govt.nz for eligibility criteria and more information. Students must meet New Zealand residency criteria. Note: The Government has announced that Fees Free for the first year of study will finish at the end of 2024. A final-year Fees Free scheme will replace it, starting from January 2025. Learners who have already used Fees Free in their first year of study won’t be able to access Fees Free under the new final-year policy. However, from now until the end of 2025, first-year Fees Free will operate under ‘first-year transition rules’. For more information, visit feesfree.govt.nz. All free study is subject to availability and funding confirmation. Proof of residency status required. Entry criteria, and some costs, may also apply. Eligibility for student allowances or student loans may vary. Contact StudyLink for more information.

Information is correct as at 5 March 2025. Programme fees are based on a full-time student and may vary depending on your final selection of courses that make up your programme. Where the fees are indicative, the approximate fees quoted in this publication are based on the indicative 2025 fee structure. The indicative programme fees for 2025 do not include the Compulsory Student Services Fee (CSSF). The CSSF is an additional levy to your 2025 programme or course fees. Further information about the CSSF can be found here www.manukau.ac.nz/cssf. Programmes stated as eligible for free study in 2025 are based on the 2024 fee structure and subject to funding confirmation for 2025. All fees are in New Zealand Dollars. You will be advised of the current fees at the time of enrolment. All courses and programmes will proceed subject to numbers and academic approval. Manukau Institute of Technology is part of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology. Te Pūkenga is accredited under the provisions of the Education and Training Act 2020. International students must study in class and will not be able to enrol for online study options.