Level 3

Learn Samoan

Learn to speak Gagana Samoa (the Samoan language) and develop your understanding of Samoan culture.

Programme highlights

Learn to speak Gagana Samoa (the Samoan language) and develop your understanding of Samoan culture.

This qualification is for anyone who works with Pacific nations people and wants to improve their communication skills.

If you're of Samoan descent raised in New Zealand, this is a chance to reconnect to your language and culture.

You will learn skills in:

  • Speaking
  • Listening
  • Reading and writing
  • Understanding cultural practices.

A leai se Gagana, ua leai se aganuu. A leai se aganuu, ua po le nu'u.
If there is no language, then there is no culture. If there is no culture, the village is in darkness. (Fanaafi, 1996)

Entry requirements

Entry requirements


Open entry for domestic students

There are no academic requirements that need to be met to enter this programme.

Give yourself credit with Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Did you know you can use the knowledge and experience you already have to your advantage?

Your previous work experience and on-the-job skills, volunteering, professional development, and other providers’ qualifications can be recognised as prior learning, matched against credits in our courses, and put towards your qualification – potentially saving you money and possibly helping you to complete your qualification faster Learn more.

Programme structure

Programme structure

You will need to complete the below four courses (60 credits):

830.323 My surroundings (Samoa) (15 credits)

Gain basic language skills and vocabulary as an introduction to Samoa.

830.324 My family (Samoa) (15 credits)

Gain language skills and vocabulary for communicating within a Samoan family.

830.325 My community (Samoa) (15 credits)

Gain skills and vocabulary for communicating within a Samoan community.

830.326 Cultural practices (Samoa) (15 credits)

Gain skills, knowledge and vocabulary to demonstrate knowledge of Samoan culture.

Do you want to study a single course, without enrolling into the full programme?

Courses within some of our programmes may be offered as an individual Certificate of Proficiency (COP). Programme entry requirements and course fees apply. For more information, please speak to our friendly Ask Me! team.

Careers and pathways

^The specified programmes will be free in 2025 for New Zealand citizens, residents entitled to reside in New Zealand indefinitely, and refugees and protected persons (under the Immigration Act 2009), of all ages, that are eligible for tertiary study. Proof of residency status required. This offer is subject to availability within MIT’s maximum permitted class sizes. Entry criteria apply, and some costs may also apply.

Information is correct as at 5 March 2025. Programme fees are based on a full-time student and may vary depending on your final selection of courses that make up your programme. Where the fees are indicative, the approximate fees quoted in this publication are based on the indicative 2025 fee structure. The indicative programme fees for 2025 do not include the Compulsory Student Services Fee (CSSF). The CSSF is an additional levy to your 2025 programme or course fees. Further information about the CSSF can be found here www.manukau.ac.nz/cssf. Programmes stated as eligible for free study in 2025 are based on the 2024 fee structure and subject to funding confirmation for 2025. All fees are in New Zealand Dollars. You will be advised of the current fees at the time of enrolment. All courses and programmes will proceed subject to numbers and academic approval. Manukau Institute of Technology is part of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology. Te Pūkenga is accredited under the provisions of the Education and Training Act 2020. International students must study in class and will not be able to enrol for online study options.