Accommodation and arrival in New Zealand
Where to stay
Once you have been accepted to study at MIT you'll need a place to stay while you're studying.
Is homestay accommodation available?
Our International team can arrange a homestay for you if you request this or tick 'yes' for homestay on your application form.
The cost ranges between NZD$325 to NZD$345 per week. Options include the Manukau area or Auckland central. Students must stay a minimum of four weeks in a homestay before choosing other accommodation.
How do I pay the homestay?
Homestay payments can be paid directly to Manukau Institute of Technology, six weeks in advance.
Arriving and getting around
What happens when I arrive at Auckland International Airport? Will someone meet me?
If you are staying at a homestay through us, you will be met by one of our staff at Auckland International Airport. The staff will be holding a sign with Manukau Institute of Technology and your name. If you have arranged your own accommodation, most students choose not to use this service as a fee does apply.
Public transport
There are different options for getting to campus depending on which campus you are studying at. See the public transport options for MIT Ōtara and MIT Manukau.
Can I drive in New Zealand?
If you have an up-to-date drivers licence, you can drive for up to 12 months on your foreign licence. After that, you must sit for a New Zealand licence. For more information, contact the New Zealand Transport Agency.